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Allied Telesis Named a 2015 Lead Partner in Smart Cities Council

Allied Telesis Named a 2015 Lead Partner in Smart Cities Council

IP Networking Leader Announces Partnership with Organization of Global Thought Leaders, Shaping Emerging Smart City Sector Decisions and Policy

SAN JOSE, Calif. – January 28, 2015 — Allied Telesis, a global provider of secure IP/Ethernet switching solutions, and an industry leader in the deployment of IP Triple Play networks, today announced that it has become a Lead Partner in the Smart Cities Council (SCC), an organization of thought leaders that advises cities on ways to thrive as their populations grow, upgrading aging infrastructure with innovative technology and solutions.

As population expands around the world and continues to trend toward concentrating in urban areas, new challenges emerge to improve the daily life in cities. The SCC envisions a world where digital technology and intelligent design have been harnessed to create smart, sustainable cities with high-quality living and high-quality jobs, promoting livability, workability, and sustainability.

Allied Telesis maintains a long history of helping cities implement their visions of interconnected, smarter operations on a citywide basis. Using the Company’s resilient switching products and sophisticated network monitoring services, cities around the world have deployed IP video cameras, and made hospitals and homes smarter and more livable. Allied Telesis wireless solutions allow cell-based or blanket technologies to cover anything from small businesses to large venues with exceptional bandwidth and service.

According to Philip Yim, senior vice president, Global R&D Program Management, Allied Telesis, “We are at the start of a revolution with Smart Gigabit Cities around the globe. Cities that enable people to communicate at Gigabit speeds on wireless and wireline networks are well positioned to attract the best and brightest business leaders, while enabling economic prosperity. The Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Gigabit Cities are synonymous, and represent key aspects of any city revitalization process.”

Furthermore, Smart Gigabit Cities deploying integrated safety solutions from Allied Telesis are able to protect and serve their communities by integrating a plethora of sensor types, providing a geospatial representation of their installed area, and taking the operations of a municipality to a new level of efficiency and safety. Using Allied Telesis EtherGRID™ solutions, city planners can fully integrate historical data about operations in their cities with sensor inputs, give a real-time view of current events, and utilize advanced spatial analytics. These capabilities provide planners and city managers the tools needed to elevate planning and decision-making to a new level of effectiveness.

The Smart Cities Council is the trusted advisor to equip cities with tools and knowledge to cope with expanding populations, shrinking budgets and aging infrastructure. It is comprised of the world’s foremost smart city practitioners advised by unbiased, independent experts, including top universities, national laboratories, standards bodies, climate advocacy groups and development banks. The Council’s goal is to accelerate the growth of smart cities worldwide by providing city leaders with best practices and vendor-neutral guidance on technology, finance, policy and, citizen engagement. For more information, view a brief introductory video about the Smart Cities Council at their website,http://smartcitiescouncil.com

Founded in 1987 and with offices worldwide, Allied Telesis is a leading provider of networking infrastructure and flexible, interoperable network solutions. The Company provides reliable video, voice, and data network solutions to clients in multiple markets including government, healthcare, defense, education, retail, hospitality, and network service providers.
Allied Telesis is committed to innovating the way in which services and applications are delivered and managed, resulting in increased value and lower operating costs.
Visit us online at www.alliedtelesis.com

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